Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q1.      How many places are open to public application in 2025 – 2026?
A         We will operate 5 Secondary 1 classes, providing around 170-180 places of which 80-100 will be open
            to public application.

Q2.      Can one apply to your school and other government aided schools at the same time?
A         A student can apply our school and other government aided schools simultaneously.  However,
            if an S1 place at our school is accepted by the parent and the letter of undertaking has been signed,
            the student has to give up the place at other government aided schools.

Q3.      What is the deadline for application?
A         25th November, 2024.

Q4.      How do you select students for interview?
A         Selection for an interview is based on students' primary school academic results, conduct, school
            comments, co-curricular activities and community service.

Q5.      When is the interview?
A         The first-round interview will be held on 7th December, 2024. After the first-round interview, short-listed
            applicants will be invited for
an individual interview.

Q6.      How are the interview conducted?
A         The first-round interview will be conducted in Cantonese, Putonghua and English, with the main
            assessment being in Chinese and English. 

            Individual interview is conducted mainly in English.  Questions asked will be based on different
            aspects of the students to understand their learning outcomes and attitude.

Q7.      What documents have to be produced during interviews?
A         No documents will be required unless some information needs to be updated.

Q8.      What are the criteria for Secondary 1 admissions?
A         Academic results                                                                   40%
               Interview performance                                                        30%
Other learning experiences and achievements   30%

Q9.      How will successful applicants be notified?
A         Successful applicants will be notified by phone and email while those on the waiting list will be
            informed by


Student Development

Q10.    Is there a moral and civic education programme in your school?  How does the programme respond
            to the needs of students?
A         Our teachers and staff are exemplary role models of good behaviour.  Besides, we integrate
            elements of moral and civic education in every subject and everyday life.

Q11.    With the school fees charged, what kinds of courses are provided that are different from
            subsidized schools?

A        We use the resources to employ more professionals to take care of our students' individual
            learning needs by providing small group teaching. A wide variety of co-curricular activities
            are provided for students with ample opportunities to develop their talents.


Q12.    What is the medium of instruction in your school?
A         The medium of instruction is English.

Q13.    Are there any courses for gifted students?
       We provide school-based courses for gifted students.  Based on individual needs, we organize
            special training for them.  We also set up scholarships for students with outstanding academic results. 
            Moreover, we offer enrichment programmes for students in need.

Q14.    What subjects does your school offer to S4 students?
A       Based on students' interest, ability and ambition, we offer as many as 15 elective subjects, over 300

Scholarship / Fee Subsidy Scheme

Q15.    What is the upper limit of a family income in your Fee Subsidy Scheme?
A         We have formed a standard mechanism for our Fee Subsidy Scheme.  Please click here for details.

Q16.    Is there any Scholarship programme specially for S1 applicants?
A         We provide scholarships for S1 applicants.  Please click here for details.


Q17.    How does the school see each student? 
A         We respect the dignity and individuality of every student, and believe everyone can strive and achieve. 
            We tailor make our programmes to meet the individual needs of   students, to help them achieve the best
            and explore the joy of their lives.

Q18.    Is there any special meaning to your class names, e.g. S5LL, S4HL, etc.?
A         We follow a dual-Class Teacher system.  Classes are named by the first letters of the 2  teachers’
            surnames to increase students' sense of belonging and avoid labeling effect.

Q19.    What are the arrangements for lunch?
A         S4 and S6 students are allowed to take their lunch outside of school.  S1 – S3 students have
            their lunch in school by pre-ordering lunches or buying other food items from the Tuck Shop. 
            Parents can also bring lunch to the school for their children.