
中華基督教青年會中學以「科教興國」的理念,為學生提供 具特色的科技學習課程。學校特意結合 STEM 教育和 航空科技,設立全港學校首個 AEROSTEM 為主題的學習中心。當中具備一台由澳洲民航及安全局認證的 DA-40 雙座位模擬飛行器,以嶄新方法幫助學生建立興趣,認識 STEM 及實踐相關知識。例如: 學生透過 利用校方提供波音飛機製造商研發最先進的導航軟 件及系統,學習設計真正的飛行路線,當中他們需要 運用物理,氣象學、地理、數學,以至堅毅和責任感 的正向價值觀元素,完成一系列的課程。學校的 AEROSTEM 課程以「啟發」學生對航空知識的興趣作為切入點。在初中 STEM 教育課程內,學生可學習基本航空知識,當中包括科學、地理、英國語文、數學及價值觀(包括勤勞、堅毅及責任感)。經過考核後學生, 可繼續報讀由香港生產力促進局提供的資歷架構課程,獲取政府相關的認證。高年級的學生 更可到海外(澳洲)參加實際飛行訓練,駕駛新型單引擎的小型飛機翱翔天際,令參加的同學能在真實的飛機駕駛艙,實踐運用他們在學校所學的航天科技知識,讓他們真正達至學習上「啟航」 的一步。除此之外,學校亦為學生提供未來航天科技學習或相 關的訓練課程,組成多元化及一站式的平台到海外高等教育學院進修。學生可選擇攻讀與航天科技及航天 工程相關的課程,預備他們成為未來航空業的重要一 員,在生涯規劃的選擇上,為他們創出一片新的天地。

(1) Regular Curriculum


STEAM Education Committee evaluates and develops the current S1 and S2 STEAM regular curriculum constantly. The objective is to create the “Maker Culture”, which is one of the world’s educational trends. In the school year 2022-2023, the teaching elements of aerospace science, aviation and artificial intelligence (AI) will be included.


(2) Large-scale Plans and Activities


The school was funded by QEF in May 2021. In the school years 2021-2023, a large-scale STEAM project will be carried out: renovation of the STEAM laboratory, procurement of a large number of equipment and hardware, and conducting of teachers’ training workshops and students’ enhancement activities.


In addition, the school applied for “Secondary School IT Innovation Lab Funding Project” and was approved. In the school year 2022-2023, the school will hold various STEAM activities and purchase diverse facilities and apparatus in order to make the activities even more interesting and intellectual. The school will apply for the funding project of school years 2023-2026 with the aim of promoting sustainable development in STEAM education.


STEAM Education Committee regularly arranges grand STEAM activities, for example, STEAM Week, AEROSTEM Days. Students could experience different aspects of STEAM knowledge so as to broaden their horizons and stimulate their thinking.


(3) Inter-school and International Competitions


Students of the school have shown excellent performance in many inter-school and international competitions in recent years. The achievement of “STEAM Team” was even more outstanding. They won the championship of “Odyssey of the Mind Hong Kong Regional Tournament (age group 15)”, and the 4th place in the world finals.



For the development of AEROSTEM as themed in Chinese Y.M.C.A. Secondary School (CYMCASS), cooperation with Boeing and Aerosim (HK) is to promote aviation-related learning activities.  Our vision in inspiring students for their flying dreams and promoting STEAM through aviation-related programs among secondary students is practically in line with the current involvement of commercial enterprises, promoting aviation in education sector.  In our tailor-made STEAM education programs, students are taught how to use an advanced aero-navigation system (ForeFlight) developed by Boeing.  We are proudly invited to work with Boeing and Aerosim (HK) to make CYMCASS the first authorized ForeFlight academy in Asia to promote AEROSTEM education. Additionally, selected students were sent to The School of Aviation at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia for a real flight training program which is not only to enrich their understanding of aviation, but also it is to let them practice their flying skills in a professional manner. Students can achieve internationally-recognized qualifications through different related local and overseas training courses to equip themselves for future career development. Dreams + Education + Practicality + Achievement are the core elements of our AEROSTEM program. 

The AEROSTEM centre is equipped with a flight simulator installed in the 1:1 cockpit frame of a single-engine light aircraft, Diamond 40, which is the first in Hong Kong and it is certified by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority in Australia. Students can attempt the flight simulation in such an immersive environment during their STEAM lessons.

Students of the school participated in the Inter-school Aviation Tournament in the school year 2021-2022. The student team was awarded 2nd runner up of Overall Best Performance (STEAM project) and some of the team members entered the grand finale of the tournament.

Besides, starting from 2022-2023, a professional training course, ‘Foundation Certificate in Ground Operations and Aviation English for secondary school’ is organised to develop students’ future career planning. Taught by professional instructors and genuine airlines pilots, students learn not only the professional knowledge in aviation but also they are trained to be responsible learners in a disciplined and organised manner.  Students from the first batch of the training course have successfully completed the training and obtained the relevant qualification in June 2023.  Feedback from learners in the course is positive.  The feature STEM learning atmosphere is built. 
















(5)香港工程挑戰賽 2024

Hong Kong Tech Challenge Game 2014 is a major annual event in the local STEAM community which is organised by the Asian Robotics League Fund and implemented by the Hong Kong Productivity Council. The winning teams will have the opportunity to represent Hong Kong at the VEX Robotic World Championships held in the USA, sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Commission. For better preparation for the game, a series of training, coding mentorship programme, and practice matches will be organised. “Over Under" is the theme of this year, and participants will compete in teams to test their ability to programme, drive, strategise, and work as a team.

STEAM Education

STEAM Education

STEAM Education

STEAM Education

STEAM Education

STEAM Education