About Us
- Vision and Mission
- Principal Words
- School History
- Management and Structure
- Introduction of School
- School Development
- Policies and guidelines
- Christian Teachers Fellowship
- I ‘Love’ Principal’s Office
- Alumni
- School Prospectus
- Mainland Sister Schools
- School News
Learning and Teaching
- Senior Secondary Plan
- Christian Education
- Medium of Instruction
- STEAM Education
- Learning Habits
- SEA Award
- Gifted Education
- Internal School Examination and International Assessment and Examinations Arrangement
- Teacher Partnership Program
- Teacher Training for New Teachers
- Reading Scheme
- Learning Support for NCS parents
- Subjects Offered
- Useful Links
Student Development
- School-based Values Education
Career Development and Life Planning
- Plan
- H.K.D.S.E. (Internationally recognised)
Admission Talks
- - Australia Griffith University Admission Talk
- - City University of Hong Kong Admission Talk
- - HKU SPACE Admission Talk
- - Hong Kong Polytechnic University Admission Talk
- - The Chinese University of Hong Kong Admission Talk
- - The Education University of Hong Kong Admission Talk
- - The University of Hong Kong Admission Talk
- - Tung Wah College Admission Talk
- Whole Person Development
- Global Exploration
- Inclusive Education
- Discipline Team
- Student Counselling Team
- Student Organizations
- Campus ministry/Campus Evangelism
- Admission
- Students
- Achievements
- Parents
- Join Us